Our First Friendsgiving

Our First Friendsgiving

One thing I’ve been so eager to do since getting married, and then getting a house, is to begin hosting dinners on a regular basis. Until buying our fixer upper in 2015, we’ve only had small-square-footage apartments and one round 4-seater dinner table. Now that we’re *almost* finished renovating the two major rooms we started (living room and dining room), I couldn’t wait to celebrate one of my favorite seasons with some nearby friends, even though we still live among exposed walls and dangling wires. Sometimes you just have to do things where you’re at.


Almost 20 friends (plus several kids) graciously agreed to pile into our house for a Friendsgiving dinner we decided to throw this past Saturday, and I hope it’s the first of many more to come! It was so fun to finally set a big table and use the serving and entertaining pieces that have been in cupboards since our wedding 6 years ago. I loved being able to create a tablescape for so many friends and loved ones, and this might have kicked off a new house-related obsession for me. You’ll find me winding around the houseware aisles of every store I visit from now on, thanks.



I began to worry about our space constraints when almost all 20 invitees said they could come. The more the merrier, of course! Yet I also wanted everyone to fit comfortably, and wondered if our house could do the job. We dabbled with the idea of swapping our living room and dining room to spread out the borrowed banquet tables more easily, but when it came down to testing out the spaces, the dining room suited our purposes just fine. A little snug, of course, but everyone was able to sit at one center-facing table and enjoy the big communal conversation (I didn’t like the idea of separating people into sections). So all in all, even the space issue was a success!


I wish I had taken more photos during the actual event, but by then I was hands-deep in turkey basting and last-minute gravy while enjoying lots of simultaneous conversations, but trust me, it was loads of fun. 🙂
